Thursday, November 12, 2009

It turned cold here recently. And by cold I mean wimpy California-level cold. (Look, I know it isn't cold, cold. But I also have only space heaters and single pane windows and drafts around doors, and tiled / stone floors and I rent so there is not much I can do to change any of that.) Right, so, my point. Cold = coughing = cough drops = minorly annoyed esophagus/stomach = Tums = coughing = ... My warm tea intake has soared. My tissue use likewise (cold also = runny nose). *Sigh* welcome to the 5 months of the year where I feel constantly off. And yes, I do see a doctor every year when this happens even though I feel stupid complaining that "I'm... coughing? And my nose runs..." because - hello - winter. Said doctor will prescribe another inhaler, which will work. In March.

Having complained here, perhaps people will be spared my whining in real life. Although, actually, people who see me in person pretty much expect this from me by now and monitor the start of the hacking.

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