Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Okay, apparently I was feeling sort of PMSy that day. Not that I don't feel all of those things in little amounts, but I think I was dwelling on it and making it all grow so much bigger in my mind. Which is fine as long as I snap out of it eventually. I was finally brave enough to put most of it up on the LBYM boards and, well, it was a little scary, but not too bad. I mean, by and large, they are all strangers to me anyway. I think.

Speaking of PMS, at some point I really should go see a doctor about my amazing non-existent period. I think it has been at least 4 months. Almost 5. I don't want to go to the doctor again until my 6-month blood pressure check so I'll make sure to mention it then. You know, I wouldn't care at all, in fact I'd be sort of happy, if it didn't make me worry that the next time I get a period it will be absurdly heavy and no fun. I did look it up online and I'm pretty sure it isn't PCOS since I don't have very many of the other symptoms at all. But this is the longest I've skipped ever.

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