Wednesday, October 10, 2001

I'm in this weird stage at work where I know I am going to be hit with a ton of stuff to do but at the moment I don't have anything to do. So I can ruminate. I've been emailing my sister daily, generally several times a day and it always makes me happier. I am not a phone person, never have been, even as a teenage girl. Email is good, as are face to face conversations. And letters sent through the actual mail. Throughout college I wrote letters to my grandmother (the only person who would write back to me). Now at work I'll walk to someone's desk before I'll call them. I don't know why that is, it's just always been that way. Trissie's emails are always fun to get even if they just talk about everyday events. She has a way of phrasing things and an outlook on events that is just fun to read. Also, it is good to feel connected to my family since I don't live near any of them. Although I am driving down this weekend. It seems that recently the only time I've seen them is at funerals (it's been a very bad year). So this should be refreshing. I am dragging down birthday gifts for 1 brother, 2 sisters, 1 neice, and my dad. August and September are big birthday months in my family. Actually, I am still trying to find a gift for one of the sisters and waiting for the gift I ordered for my brother to arrive.

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